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Reminder: Cell Phone Use Is Not Only Way To Become Dangerous Distracted Driver

Reminder: Cell Phone Use Is Not Only Way To Become Dangerous Distracted Driver

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The Insurance Journal website had a timely piece that I thought I should share with readers of this blog.  As was widely reported in the news this week, the National Transportation and Safety Board recommended this week that cell phone use in moving vehicles be banned completely in the United States.  The NTSB cited cell phone use as the primary distraction of drivers on America’s roads.

Unfortunately, cell phone use is not the only distraction drivers across America, including Florida, create for themselves.  According to a Harris Interactive/HealthDay poll, 86 percent of Americans admit to being distracted while eating or drinking while driving.  41 percent of Americans admit to being distracted while adjusting their GPS devices, and 37 percent admit to texting while driving.

Remarkably, 44 percent of Americans admit being so tired behind the while that they have momentarily dozed off while operating their cars.  It goes without saying that distractions of this magnitude can lead to horrific car accidents, even here in Orlando, Florida, and can cause significant injuries, or even wrongful deaths.

According to automobile insurance industry experts, not only are new laws needed but there also needs be a grassroots effort at public education and reinforcement of safe driving rules at home.

If you have any questions regarding a distracted driving accident, call Winter Park personal injury lawyer Kim Cullen at 407-565-7386, or order a FREE copy of Kim’s informative book for Florida accident victims, “Asleep At The Wheel“.

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