Posted on Mar 21, 2011

The New York Times is reporting on a new policy statement issued by the American Academy of Pediatrics dealing the child car seats.  Based upon a University of Virginia study, the AAP now recommends that children stay in rear-facing car seats as long as possible.

Previously, the AAP had okayed moving kids to forward-facing seats at approximately 12 months of age.  However, scientific research indicates that keeping his rear-facing is much safer — particularly with regard to head and neck injuries.

The good news for parents is that many car seat manufacturers are beginning to make rear-facing seats for larger kids — even up to 45 lbs.

The New York Times story even referenced a story about a family involved in a signficiant rollover accident on I-95.  The family’s minivan was found upside down, with the parents still strapped into their seatbelts, and the family’s three children still strapped in their rear-facing car seats.  The E.M.T.’s on the scene told the family that the children would not have been alive if they had been in forward-facing child car seats.

If you have any questions regarding an Orlando car accident, call Orlando personal injury attorney Kim Cullen at 407-644-4444/