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Overdose Deaths Increasingly Linked to Physicians

Overdose Deaths Increasingly Linked to Physicians

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I have recently become aware of a trend that is very disturbing.  Apparently, more and more physicians are becoming involved in cases of overdoses of strong prescription drugs.  This problem was first brought to my attention by Attorney Kay Van Wey, of Dallas, Texas.  Kay called me during an investigation of the wrongful death of one of my former clients by overdose.

My client had suffered a horrible brain injury in Orlando and had relocated to Las Vegas so that she could be closer to her parents during her painful and troubled recovery.  Unfortunately, she got involved with the wrong doctor – a doctor who prescribed her hundreds and hundreds of pills — from very strong painkillers to psychotropic drugs.  She became hooked — with the doctor’s knowledge, and eventually overdosed.

Today I read two stories that sounded eerily familiar — one from Washington, D.C., and one from West Palm Beach.  In Palm Beach County, Dr. Sergio Rodriguez was finally indicted on several charges of murder, as well as drug trafficking.  According to investigators, numerous people across Florida died from overdoses from pain-killers and other medicine Dr. Rodriguez prescribed.

It is not difficult to imagine that Dr. Rodriguez will attempt to escape his criminal problems by claiming that the deaths were pure accidents — that he didn’t mean to do it.  In such an instance, the doctor may be held responsible to the families for money damages in the civil courts for the wrongful deaths he has caused.  It will be interesting to see if Dr. Rodriguez is every held liable.  If you have any questions about wrongful deaths from overdoses, call Attorney Kim Cullen at 407-565-7386.

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